Online Name Change in Birth Certificate in Gorakhpur
In order to change the name in your Birth Certificate in Gorakhpur, you will need to follow the procedures below. You can also change your name online.
1) To change your name in your Birth Certificate in Gorakhpur, you will need to go to the office of the Registrar of Births and Deaths. 2) You will need to submit an application form along with the required documents. 3) Once the documents have been verified, you will be able to make the changes to your Birth Certificate. 4) You can also change your name online by visiting the website of the Registrar of Births and Deaths. 5) Follow the instructions on the website and fill out the required information. 6) Once you have submitted the form, you will be able to make the changes to your Birth Certificate. 7) You can also make the changes to your name by contacting the office of the Registrar of Births and Deaths through email or phone. 8) Follow the instructions on their website or contact them for further assistance. thank you for choosing mygovportal . gorakhpur . up . gov .in .
Where every birth is registered correctly , quickly and easily . this online registration system has been developed by NIC gorakhpur in association with district administration gorakhpur under e-governance mission mode project . this system can be used by any person who wants to register a birth that occurred in gorakhpur district as well as those who wish to apply for a certified copy of an already registered birth certificate from anywhere , anytime through his/her personal computer connected to internet . no fees are charged for using this service currently but nominal fees may be levied in future as decided by gorakhpur nagar nigam or uttar pradesh government from time-to-time . please click here if you wish ot register a birth that occurred outside gorakhpur district .this website contains detailed information about various aspects related to registration (correctly and quickly) , verification status , issuing certified copies etc. it may be pointed out here that various sections under indian registration act , 1908 makes it compulsory for every resident of gorakhpur district including those residing in municipal limits like sadar , chauri chaura etc., tow weeks after occurrence , get such births registered free of cost either at ward offices or sector offices depending on place of residence within whose jurisdiction birth has taken place . those failing tow do so are liable twillowship punishment which may extend twill imprisonment twor five years or with fine twor five hundred rupees twor both according twosections 7 & 8 read with section 22(2) indian registration act , 1908 respectively, kindly visit important links provided on right side panel for more information regarding type twof births , type twowhat documents are required for registration , what is spot registration etc..please provide us valuable feedback regarding our services at so that we can serve you better.
Conclusion: The process of Online Name Change in Birth Certificate in Gorakhpur
is not complicated. You can either do it online or offline by visiting the office of the Registrar of Births and Deaths. Thank you for choosing mygovportal . gorakhpur . up . gov .in where every birth is registered correctly, quickly and easily.